At Bath Orthodontics we ensure a treatment plan is put together that looks at the whole of the patients face, their profile, bone tissue and lip and muscular structure. We call this higher level of care “face-driven orthodontics”.Many people have crooked and/ or over-crowded teeth, which can affect the way they look and the way their teeth bite together. It can also make it more difficult to maintain good oral hygiene that can put them at greater risk of tooth decay or gum disease.Having a confident smile is a combination of healthy teeth and gums with straight teeth. Research shows that straightening people’s teeth improves their self-confidence socially and at work.Creating beautiful smiles could make you look 10 years younger!We offer a wide range of treatment options and different types of braces to meet the individual needs of all our patients, whatever their age, budget and lifestyle. These are discussed at your initial consultation. Bath Orthodontics was the first practice in the UK offering a dedicated ‘Thumb Sucking Clinic’ for children with the aim of reducing or eliminating the need for complex orthodontic treatment.