Charing Cross Practice – Best Dental Clinic in Norwich has known as root canal treatment. Charing Cross Practice is one of the very few practices in the UK solely specializing in this aspect of dentistry.
Charing Cross Practice was opened in 2003 by Richard Crosby and Maya Desai as a centre for local colleagues to refer their patients. If you are a patient then this site will give you information about the people you will meet at Charing Cross and what is involved in some of the treatments we provide.
Endodontic or root canal treatment is a means of saving a tooth that has been damaged by infection or deep decay. The purpose of the treatment is to restore the tooth to good health so that it can function properly inside your mouth.
Inside every tooth is a pulp chamber and root canals that contain a living tissue called the pulp. If a large cavity in a tooth reaches the pulp or if a tooth breaks bacteria can reach the pulp and infect it .The root canals then become infected and inevitably an abscess forms in the bone around the roots. Pain may occur at any time during this process and the infection can spread.
The purpose of the treatment is to remove the bacteria from inside the tooth and disinfect the root canals. This is done by making a hole through the tooth into the pulp chamber, locating and measuring the root canal lengths, then cleaning and widening them with very fine instruments.
Root canal treatment can be provided over one or more visits. At Charing Cross Practice, we believe that we are able to provide our patients with a higher standard of care by providing root canal treatment over multiple visits, usually two. This treatment approach has the longest associated scientific evidence base and we have used this justification for lasting success in thousands of cases over the last 15 years.