Jim Peirson Dental Health Care – Best Dental Clinic in Norwich is committed to providing good quality, affordable general dental health care for all the family and hope that you find our team competent and friendly as we work together to achieve this and make your experience as pleasant as possible.
The Practice strongly believes in prevention and will work with you and your family to reduce the need for fillings and extractions and help you keep your mouth healthier for the rest of your life.
Nitrous oxide and oxygen (happy gas) is installed in the premises to help those more anxious patients to feel more relaxed while having treatment.
On this website you will find information about us, our services, the history of the practice and other material that you might find helpful. Please click on the relevant boxes or words in the text highlighted in blue to find the information you require.
The Olympic Torch Relay passed through Norwich, just outside our practice. Click here to see some photos we have taken of the event.